Wednesday, October 31, 2007

The Definition Please

frus·trate (frŭs'trāt')

1. To prevent from accomplishing a purpose or fulfilling a desire; thwart:

2.To cause feelings of discouragement or bafflement in.

3.To make ineffectual or invalid; nullify.

What do you do when you're frustrated? There are times in my day when I wish I was still a kid and could stomp the floor and slam my door. That people or circumstances make me want to pull my hair out.

Then I remember I'm a grown-up. Which looked way cooler and more fun when I was still a kid. I can't throw a fit anymore. But what can I do? Desire what God wants for me. I've been working on my memory verses and this week's hits home.

Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry, for man's anger does not bring about the righteous life that God desires.
James 1:19-20

Monday, October 29, 2007


We celebrated baptisms this weekend at church. I got to hang out backstage and talk with the kids, and man were they excited! First service, Jordan and I walked back to the locker room so she could get changed. Because she's the first kid to be baptised here at the new church, I asked her how she felt, and if she had been nervous. Her response...

"Well, I was at first, but then I remembered that Jesus was with me."

That was all it took for Jordan to feel safe. How cool is that! Once again, a kid reminds me of how I should be trusting God no matter what I'm doing or where I am.

Friday, October 26, 2007

Rainy Days

I love them. Just can't help myself. I love days when I get the opportunity to put on sweats and just hang out at home. It's like God gives me a good reason NOT to run around town. It's a moment when not doing anything "important" is okay.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Baked Potato's and Kidneys

Title get your attention? Well, we'll be eating the first, to help with the second. Read on for more information...

On Nov. 11th (it's a Sunday), there is going to be a Baked Potato Benefit Lunch in Sugarcreek. The proceeds are going to help out a fellow staff member, Vern Yoder. He's having his 2nd kidney transplant this December. Right now, he's on dialysis three times a week, which has literally taken a lot out of him. But even with all he's gone through, there's always a smile on his face and a contagious laugh that is just so great to hear. He is one of the most amazing people I've ever had the privilege to work with, or to even know. And the kids at church think he breaks the "cool meter". (They're right by the way)

So if you're in the Holmes and Tuscarawas County area on that Sunday, from 11-3, stop in at 531 Dover Rd. in Sugarcreek (the old Free Methodist church). It's $6 for adults and $3 for kids 10 and under. What's that get you? A hot baked potato with toppings, applesauce, dinner roll and dessert. If you can't stay, then just swing by and get it to go! But while you're there, check out the items that will be part of a Silent Auction. It'll be fun, delicious, and best of all you'll be supporting a great guy. See you there!

Getting it

So I was getting ready to post a blog tonight when I checked Google Reader and saw that one of my volunteer's from Velocity had something new up. Reading it absolutely warmed my heart. Karen's blog is a story that I'd love to show every parent that brings a child to NewPointe. I encourage you to go and read her blog entry but here's an bit of it.

"When you have children, you want to give them everything. You soon find out that’s not possible. Even if you could, if they’re not saved, none of it matters anyway. The best gift you can give them is to expose them to the love of Jesus Christ. Thanks to Kidstuf, our son was saved at an early age. He has returned to Kidstuf as a teenager to volunteer on the tech team."

There's not much else to say. Here is a parent who go involved with what her child was learning and now her son is plugged in. I wish that we could get more small group leaders like Karen and those that are serving right now. If you've ever wanted to be a part of something "bigger", then maybe Velocity or KidStuf is the place for you too.

And thanks Karen...

Monday, October 22, 2007


I got to work in the 1st-2nd grade girls room at the 11:00 hour this week. The girls in there are really sweet. They're not into boys(yet), and they love to dress up. They come into the room toting purses, stuffed toys and even baby dolls. While roaming Velocity on Sunday, I get to overhear funy conversations. They talk about everything from what's on TV, to who did what last week at school. And because we have so many kids, a lot of them know each other outside of church.

I overheard a conversation yesterday that still has me smiling. It might be hard to follow, but I'll do my best. Two little girls, Mikaylee and Hayden were talking and coloring. Mikaylee asked Hayden if she rode the bus. Hayden looked at her surprised and said, "Of course not!"
Mikaylee replied, "But I've seen you get off the bus at school." Hayden, answering with sudden understanding said, "Oh, you mean a bus to school...yeah, I do ride the bus. I thought you meant church. I'm REALLY into church!" Mikaylee nodded in agreement, like this was something that she already knew. Arent' they are so very wise at this age?!?

That just made me smile. Hayden is one of those kids who was SO timid last year. But this year she's grown up and now she's "into" church. Not My Pretty Pony, Hannah Montana, or _______, you fill in the blank. She's loving church. She's loving small group. And she loves talking and learning about Jesus. That is her focus. Hearing kids get excited about church is just another reason why I have the best job in the whole wide world.

And thanks girls, for making the start of my week so enjoyable.

Monday, October 15, 2007

Team players

Okay, so Mike blogged about sports and so will I . I love baseball. Always have, always will. And I love the Indians. Even if they loose tonight, which they won't...I hope.

The reason I love baseball is that every player has a role. Every spot on the field can be a make or break position. It's a HUGE team sport. Yes, the pitchers and guys that can hit home runs are the ones that make it onto Sports Center, but everyone contributes. And I like that.

It's the same way Sunday mornings in Velocity and KidStuf. I know that the actors and storytellers get most the face time and recognition. And they do a great job! But I wish that you could see behind the stage, into the tech booth and peek through the classroom windows. There is SO much that goes on behind the scenes. Actually, I might get some pictures of some of our more "hidden" volunteers in action and post them. Because they all work together to make Sunday morning happen.

Most of all I hope that they (the volunteers) know how much I appreciate them and that I cheer them on every Sunday morning. Thanks for working as a team to get the win!

(And go Tribe!)

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

What's important...

I sat in on church this past weekend. There is nothing like worshiping in "big church". It's like a little taste of heaven. But something said in the service was directed at me. I'm sure that's never happened to anyone else. But skit was what stuck me the most and it hit a home run... pun intended.

You see, I have a mind that loves to memorize things, crazy facts, funny stories and about a million songs. I can almost quote any Star Wars movie, re-read Lord of the Rings every year and have the entire opening sequence of Toy Story committed to memory. But I struggle to memorize Bible verses. Why is it that fictional movies, songs and books hold a higher place in my mind and heart? That's a question that I've been thinking about for the past few days. And more importantly, now that the question has come up, what am I going to do about it?

Well, for starters, I'm going to take more time to commit verses to memory. I've got about a half-dozen stored up in my brain right now. I'd like to double that before the end of this year. You why I know I can do it? Because if I can remember every word from the Veggie Tales soundtrack, then I know I can memorize God's word.

Friday, October 5, 2007

10 things that make me smile

Sue tagged me to tell 10 things that make me smile. If you know me, then you know I smile a lot. So it's been "slimmed" down from everything that does make me smile...

1. My nephew, Carson. He never fails to make me smile
2. The smell of a campfire
3. Waking up to snow on the ground4. Finding a new book from a favorite author at the store
5. Watching kids dance and sing in KidStuf
6. A beautiful sunset
7. A quick witted response
8. An elderly couple sitting on a bench, holding hands
9. Being invited on a long walk, or a long drive
10. My family and friends number on my caller i.d.

So there you have it. I could think of about twenty more to choose from. There are days when I smile so much, my cheeks hurt. Those are my favorite days.

Monday, October 1, 2007


Hey God,

Just wanted to say thanks for a whole year of working in your church. It's been way more challenging and rewarding than I could have ever imagined. Everyday I've come to understand more about You and what You want in my life. I can see how much You love me everywhere I go.

When I need encourged-someone is always there to remind me of Your love for me.

When I'm lonely-the phone rings.

When I'm excited-people celebrate with me.

When I'm doubting-I remember that You're in control.

Thanks for allowing me to have a job that I love. Thank you for the people I get to work with everyday. Thanks for every kid that comes to NewPointe. And for the adults and teens that help to make Velocity and KidStuf such an amazing place. Thanks for being there, no matter where I am, or what I'm doing. I can't wait to see what you have in store for me next.
