I usually watch him for a few hours on Fridays. Turns out he loves to run errands. Last Friday we were driving out near Ragersville and we drove by the church. He was quick to say, "there's the church", as we zipped by. Of course, this just proved he's even more of a genius than I'd already thought... until we turned off Rt. 39, and started going past farms.
As we were driving, he kept saying over and over again, that he saw the "church". I was starting to wonder if something was wrong with this kid? Seemed fine when we left the house! Then it hit me. Where most kids look at a silo and think farm, Carson sees silos and thinks that means church. (For anyone that doesn't know, NewPointe has a silo at the bottom of the drive, with the church's name on it.)
How COOL is that! We've got a whole generation of kids here at NewPointe that are going to grow up associating silo's with church. It struck me as really, really amazing. I know that there are things that I'll see throughout the day that remind me of past events in my life, some good, some bad. A bracelet that reminds me to pray for someone on a mission trip, or a smell that reminds me of a vacation at the beach. I just hope and pray that when Carson, and all the other kids that attend NewPointe, are all grown up, the sight of a silo will be a HUGE reminder that God loves him and that people here care about him.
The silo is way cool, and yes Carson must be a genius with an Aunt like you.:) Thanks for talking with me, and also the tissues, That's way better then an arm!!:)
How neat, never thought of it that way.
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