Friday, December 28, 2007

Looking Back

Seems like this time of year everyone is eager to look to the new year. I am too. But sometimes it helps to reflect on what you've done in the past year...

Things I've accomplished...
-Gotten better at talking in front of KidStuf
-Script writing
-Eating a bit better
-Gone outside my comfort zone
-Encouraged people

Things I needed to do better...
-Get better at talking in front of KidStuf (always room for improvement)
-Keep my office organized...and my house...and my car
-Stay on the main task, not get sidetracked
-Up my devotion time

There are so many things that I wish I could do better. I work with several people who's skills compliment mine. What I can't do well, they can do with excellence. And that's a lot to be thankful for.

Monday, December 24, 2007

Eye Level

You know how sometimes, when talking to a kid, you need to get down and look at them, eye to eye? Well that's what happened to me 23 years ago today. At a Christmas Eve service, I suddenly understood that God took the time to come down and get "eye to eye" by sending us his Son. It just made sense. After church I went home and asked Jesus into my heart.

Maybe that's why I have such a deep passion to tell kids the same message. I look back and get excited about how God has shaped me and used me. And I also see moments where I didn't listen to Him and missed chances to serve Him better. Every kid I see on Sunday has a chance to discover how much God loves them. That He came down to talk to them on their level. And THAT is what thrills me about my job. I get to present God's simple message to hundreds of kids.

So I'm celebrating two birthdays today. The first of course is Jesus's. The second is my own spiritual birthday. Happy birthday Jesus. Thanks.

Friday, December 21, 2007

The Night Before...

Just wanted to put up a quick reminder that NewPointe will have 3 service times on Monday. 3:00, 4:30, and 6:00. From what I hear, it should be incredible. But ONLY the 3:00 will have environments open for kids.

Velocity will be meeting in the KidStuf Theater...looking forward to seeing you there! It's going to be fun!

Tuesday, December 18, 2007


This time of year can bring out the best or the worst in a kid. They know that Christmas is coming and many have an expectation about what they're going to get. Things have changed since I was a kid, although I did live through the Cabbage Patch run of '83. Sure, Barbies, Match Box Cars, and GI Joe were big, but I never felt like my parents were pressured to find the "it" toy. Things sure are different now.

Webkins, Wii's, cell phones, iPods and Tickle Me Elmo's are all the rage. Parents stand in line for hours waiting for a gift that will make their child happy Christmas morning. I can't say I understand it all, but it's what's happening in malls around America.

I came across an article about a Dad who did something almost unheard of these days. He actually took back a much sought after video game after finding that his son had smoked pot. There were consequences for his child's actions. I totally applaud this father.

A few weeks ago, I had a KidStuf dancer's parent call me with a dilemma. Her daughter hadn't been a good listener that day. Her mother wanted to take away her dancing privileges for the following morning. I was more than happy to back her up. I would have hugged her if I could have.

If we can show kids that there are consequences for our actions at a young age, how much trouble will that save them later in life. Some adults call that cruel. They say that kids can't understand or comprehend consequences and that we need to let them be kids for as long as we can. But the sooner they understand boundaries and that rules don't mean the lack of love, but are an expression of it, the better off they'll be.

I'll get off my soapbox now...

Thursday, December 13, 2007

12 Days till Christmas

Well, I know that some folks don't care for a lot of Christmas music. Again, as with the snow, I'm not in that catagory. Yes, there are some songs that make my hair stand on end..."Santa Baby", but over all I love Christmas songs. And I found this rendition of the Twelve Days of Christmas on YouTube. Wow!

How amazing crazy it that! And if Christmas songs aren't your thing, you only have 12 more days to endure the madness.

Friday, December 7, 2007

Great Day

I know for some, waking up at 7 on a morning like this (i.e. gobs of snow) may not make their day. Thankfully, I'm one of those annoying people who get happier the more it snows. Here's my agenda on this great day off.

-Spending most of it with Carson
-Taking him to get a haircut (if the weather allows)
-Finishing my Christmas shopping, online
-Playing in the snow
-Watching the Monk and Psych Christmas episodes
-Making chili (the day almost demands it)
-Start reading the 6 library books I have

From the looks of this list, I'd better get busy. It's gonna be a great one.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

A Whole Bunch of Hyperlinks

Watching a great movie is my second favorite form of entertainment. Reading is still number one for me. And every year I re-read my absolute favorite fiction series. But if someone can take a great book and turn it into a good movie, lets just say I'm there.

I read a lot of "teen" fiction. I've found that authors tend to be more creative when writing to a younger audience. Writers know that kids will believe that a wardrobe can be a door to another country. Or that under the New York sewer system lies a lost land. And one of my favorites series involves a criminal master mind who is just 11 years old. I like stories that think outside the book cover. One of my favorite "grown-up"fiction books totally goes against what you THINK is happening.

The movie the Golden Compass is coming out this weekend. It's a watered-down version of a book that is very anti-religion, written by a man who is a self-proclaimed agnostic. If you want to read about both the book and the movie, here's a good review. I don't know if I'll be seeing the movie. I have read the series and didn't care for them. But the fact is, these books came out over 10 years ago and some of the kids I see every Sunday have read them. So I need to stay informed and know what influences are out there. And parents need to know as well. Knowing what your child is doing includes not just knowing who they hang out with, but what they are reading and watching as well.

What movies am I craving to see? How about the first trailer for the next Narnia movie!!!Prince Caspian comes out on May 16th and I'll be there. As far as book to movie adaptation, only Lord of the Rings does it better than Narnia. So I'm totally excited about seeing the next chapter. It also gives me something to re-read during the snowy months ahead. Can't wait!

Monday, December 3, 2007

Sunday Stories

It was an awesome weekend. Everything was decorated with the holiday lights, trees and all the trimmings. Kids were excited to see the change and to get involved in celebrating Jesus's birthday.

Here are some of the things that happened with the K-4th graders this Sunday...

-The 3rd grade girls got donuts and juice for bringing in the most offering in October. Way to go ladies!

-We filled two boxes with donated items for Undie Sunday. We'll continue to take donations this weekend too. Just bring in new/packaged underwear, undershirts and socks. They'll be donated to Haven of Rest Ministries, a place that serves the poor and homeless .

-We kicked off our new virtue...Peace - proving that you care more about others than winning an argument. And we saw Tyler learn all about Peace during KidStuf. It was messy, but fun!

-Claire, Taylor, Aleah and a few other girls worked during the past few months to raise $259! And they wanted to use it for the three kids we support in Velocity. WOW!!! We're taking that money and sending it as a Christmas present for the kids. Girls, you're showing everyone that God can use ANYONE to make a difference. Thanks!