Watching a great movie is my second favorite form of entertainment. Reading is still number one for me. And every year I re-read my absolute favorite fiction series. But if someone can take a great book and turn it into a good movie, lets just say I'm there.
I read a lot of "teen" fiction. I've found that authors tend to be more creative when writing to a younger audience. Writers know that kids will believe that a wardrobe can be a door to another country. Or that under the New York sewer system lies a lost land. And one of my favorites series involves a criminal master mind who is just 11 years old. I like stories that think outside the book cover. One of my favorite "grown-up"fiction books totally goes against what you THINK is happening.
The movie the Golden Compass is coming out this weekend. It's a watered-down version of a book that is very anti-religion, written by a man who is a self-proclaimed agnostic. If you want to read about both the book and the movie, here's a good review. I don't know if I'll be seeing the movie. I have read the series and didn't care for them. But the fact is, these books came out over 10 years ago and some of the kids I see every Sunday have read them. So I need to stay informed and know what influences are out there. And parents need to know as well. Knowing what your child is doing includes not just knowing who they hang out with, but what they are reading and watching as well.
What movies am I craving to see? How about the first trailer for the next Narnia movie!!!Prince Caspian comes out on May 16th and I'll be there. As far as book to movie adaptation, only Lord of the Rings does it better than Narnia. So I'm totally excited about seeing the next chapter. It also gives me something to re-read during the snowy months ahead. Can't wait!
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