Sunday, January 20, 2008

Football Wisdom

"You can't expect to win on 4 field goals when you're playing the Patriots."


Two Blessings

There will be two new faces in Velocity next week. On Monday I got a connection card from a young lady named Kayla last week. This morning I got to meet her. She is so excited to start serving at NewPointe. In fact, she talked to her boss to get Sunday mornings off so she COULD serve! Wow. Look for her in the 1-2nd grade girls 1st hour.

Later this morning I was talking to Merry in the cafe and seriously, these words came out of her mouth. "I don't have anything to do during the 2nd service." Never say those words to a children's pastor unless you're ready to hear about serving opportunities. Cool thing is that Merry listened to the needs in Velocity, and she's starting next week with the 3rd grade girls! Awesome!

Two people who were looking for a place to serve, and someone looking for people to serve with kids. Kind of amazing... kind of a God thing.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Welcome Home

Last night Vern called me with some awesome news.
He's coming home today.

Monday, January 14, 2008

Another Update

I got to talk to Vern yesterday and he sounded great. He told me that he had been up and around his room and was feeling pretty good. Seems like the doctors had been worried about a few potential complications, but that once they got started, everything went better than they had hoped. The operation, which they estimated would go from 9-3, got over about 1. WOW! It really shows the power of prayer.

I talked to one of my co-workers today and he said that Vern displayed a huge amount of courage last week. You would have never known that he was going in for major surgery on Thursday. He just continued going about his job, making sure that any loose ends were tied up.

The kids at NPCC are learning about power of prayer from Vern. I fielded questions from everyone on Sunday. Adults wanting to know how he was feeling and kids wanting to know when he's coming back! He is definitely missed.

Vern said that he should be home sometime early this week. And then it will be several weeks until he can come back to work. I feel a little lonely on Sunday mornings without Vern to cruise around with, but it's great knowing that the new Vern, version 3.0, will be back soon. Please continue to keep him, his niece Chrissie and the rest of his family in your prayers.

So until he is ready to come back I'll keep the "VernMobile" powered up and ready to roll. And if anyone hears it roaring up and down NewPointe's halls before he returns...I'm just making sure it stays in top condition.

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Hidden Pictures

Can you find the three laptops?

Yep, the IT Director is back in town.
Bonus points for anyone who knows the make/model of each laptop!

Friday, January 11, 2008

About Vern...again

I didn't to talk to anyone up at Cleveland Clinic today, but Chad, our Pastor of Care did. Here's what he said in an email...

"Hey everyone,

I just spoke with Melanie and she said Vern is recovering well. The kidney is still working good. She said that he will be in the Cleveland Clinic for about a week. Chrissie the donor is doing really good and may get discharged on Saturday.

Vern is in some pain, so pray that that will end and he continues to heal. If anyone wants to visit Vern he is at the Cleveland Clinic Room G-111-15."

I'll continue to update everyone as I get information. And I'm going up on Monday Vern, be ready!

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Vern Update

Thanks to everyone who's been praying for Vern. I just got off the phone with his daughter and she said that the surgeon is really pleased with how things have gone. Chrissy, Vern's niece who donated the kidney, is doing great...better than they hoped. And at this point, the kidney's in and working great!

Continue to keep them all in your prayers, along with Vern's wife Joy and his daughter Melanie.


This morning, at 9:00, Vern Yoder is heading in to get a new kidney. He called me last night to let me of of the time he'd be going in and I told him that I'd pass that time along so that people could pray. Although I think that the fact that he's in surgery today is already an answer to prayer.

Vern is a HUGE example of what a Christ follower should be. He's an example of so many of the virtues that we teach the kids every week in Velocity and KidStuf...

and the biggest...Faith

So as you're going about your day, please remember to lift him up in prayer. Even if you don't know him, God does.


Monday, January 7, 2008


I'm waiting for the OSU vs LSU game to begin. My snack of choice for the bowl game? No chips and dip, wings or pizza here. I'm into Edamame, steamed soy beans. I got introduced to them at at sushi restaurant and I just can't seem to get enough of them! Best thing about them is they are good for you!

So as I'm cheering for the Buckeyes to bring home the BCS trophy, I'll be doing it with a full belly of Edamame. Maybe I'll start a new trend for tailgaters and football fans...(though I doubt it)

Are you kidding me?

Todays high was 68 degrees in Northeastern Ohio...

And it's the 1st full week of January.

Where is the snow?

Where is my favorite season winter?