Seems like this time of year everyone is eager to look to the new year. I am too. But sometimes it helps to reflect on what you've done in the past year...
Things I've accomplished...
-Gotten better at talking in front of KidStuf
-Script writing
-Eating a bit better
-Gone outside my comfort zone
-Encouraged people
Things I needed to do better...
-Get better at talking in front of KidStuf (always room for improvement)
-Keep my office organized...and my house...and my car
-Stay on the main task, not get sidetracked
-Up my devotion time
There are so many things that I wish I could do better. I work with several people who's skills compliment mine. What I can't do well, they can do with excellence. And that's a lot to be thankful for.
Friday, December 28, 2007
Looking Back
Posted by
11:20 AM
Monday, December 24, 2007
Eye Level
You know how sometimes, when talking to a kid, you need to get down and look at them, eye to eye? Well that's what happened to me 23 years ago today. At a Christmas Eve service, I suddenly understood that God took the time to come down and get "eye to eye" by sending us his Son. It just made sense. After church I went home and asked Jesus into my heart.
Maybe that's why I have such a deep passion to tell kids the same message. I look back and get excited about how God has shaped me and used me. And I also see moments where I didn't listen to Him and missed chances to serve Him better. Every kid I see on Sunday has a chance to discover how much God loves them. That He came down to talk to them on their level. And THAT is what thrills me about my job. I get to present God's simple message to hundreds of kids.
So I'm celebrating two birthdays today. The first of course is Jesus's. The second is my own spiritual birthday. Happy birthday Jesus. Thanks.
Posted by
12:01 AM
Friday, December 21, 2007
The Night Before...
Just wanted to put up a quick reminder that NewPointe will have 3 service times on Monday. 3:00, 4:30, and 6:00. From what I hear, it should be incredible. But ONLY the 3:00 will have environments open for kids.
Velocity will be meeting in the KidStuf Theater...looking forward to seeing you there! It's going to be fun!
Posted by
10:17 AM
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
This time of year can bring out the best or the worst in a kid. They know that Christmas is coming and many have an expectation about what they're going to get. Things have changed since I was a kid, although I did live through the Cabbage Patch run of '83. Sure, Barbies, Match Box Cars, and GI Joe were big, but I never felt like my parents were pressured to find the "it" toy. Things sure are different now.
Webkins, Wii's, cell phones, iPods and Tickle Me Elmo's are all the rage. Parents stand in line for hours waiting for a gift that will make their child happy Christmas morning. I can't say I understand it all, but it's what's happening in malls around America.
I came across an article about a Dad who did something almost unheard of these days. He actually took back a much sought after video game after finding that his son had smoked pot. There were consequences for his child's actions. I totally applaud this father.
A few weeks ago, I had a KidStuf dancer's parent call me with a dilemma. Her daughter hadn't been a good listener that day. Her mother wanted to take away her dancing privileges for the following morning. I was more than happy to back her up. I would have hugged her if I could have.
If we can show kids that there are consequences for our actions at a young age, how much trouble will that save them later in life. Some adults call that cruel. They say that kids can't understand or comprehend consequences and that we need to let them be kids for as long as we can. But the sooner they understand boundaries and that rules don't mean the lack of love, but are an expression of it, the better off they'll be.
I'll get off my soapbox now...
Posted by
8:29 PM
Thursday, December 13, 2007
12 Days till Christmas
Well, I know that some folks don't care for a lot of Christmas music. Again, as with the snow, I'm not in that catagory. Yes, there are some songs that make my hair stand on end..."Santa Baby", but over all I love Christmas songs. And I found this rendition of the Twelve Days of Christmas on YouTube. Wow!
How amazing crazy it that! And if Christmas songs aren't your thing, you only have 12 more days to endure the madness.
Posted by
9:55 AM
Friday, December 7, 2007
Great Day
I know for some, waking up at 7 on a morning like this (i.e. gobs of snow) may not make their day. Thankfully, I'm one of those annoying people who get happier the more it snows. Here's my agenda on this great day off.
-Spending most of it with Carson
-Taking him to get a haircut (if the weather allows)
-Finishing my Christmas shopping, online
-Playing in the snow
-Watching the Monk and Psych Christmas episodes
-Making chili (the day almost demands it)
-Start reading the 6 library books I have
From the looks of this list, I'd better get busy. It's gonna be a great one.
Posted by
8:10 AM
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
A Whole Bunch of Hyperlinks
Watching a great movie is my second favorite form of entertainment. Reading is still number one for me. And every year I re-read my absolute favorite fiction series. But if someone can take a great book and turn it into a good movie, lets just say I'm there.
The movie the Golden Compass is coming out this weekend. It's a watered-down version of a book that is very anti-religion, written by a man who is a self-proclaimed agnostic. If you want to read about both the book and the movie, here's a good review. I don't know if I'll be seeing the movie. I have read the series and didn't care for them. But the fact is, these books came out over 10 years ago and some of the kids I see every Sunday have read them. So I need to stay informed and know what influences are out there. And parents need to know as well. Knowing what your child is doing includes not just knowing who they hang out with, but what they are reading and watching as well.
Posted by
1:37 PM
Monday, December 3, 2007
Sunday Stories
It was an awesome weekend. Everything was decorated with the holiday lights, trees and all the trimmings. Kids were excited to see the change and to get involved in celebrating Jesus's birthday.
Here are some of the things that happened with the K-4th graders this Sunday...
-The 3rd grade girls got donuts and juice for bringing in the most offering in October. Way to go ladies!
-We filled two boxes with donated items for Undie Sunday. We'll continue to take donations this weekend too. Just bring in new/packaged underwear, undershirts and socks. They'll be donated to Haven of Rest Ministries, a place that serves the poor and homeless .
-We kicked off our new virtue...Peace - proving that you care more about others than winning an argument. And we saw Tyler learn all about Peace during KidStuf. It was messy, but fun!
-Claire, Taylor, Aleah and a few other girls worked during the past few months to raise $259! And they wanted to use it for the three kids we support in Velocity. WOW!!! We're taking that money and sending it as a Christmas present for the kids. Girls, you're showing everyone that God can use ANYONE to make a difference. Thanks!
Posted by
10:19 AM
Friday, November 30, 2007
Who could argue with that?
I've mentioned my nephew a few times on my blog. He's pretty funny and pretty smart. On most Friday's, my day off, he spends time at my house. I enjoy every minute of it.
When he spends the night, we have a ritual that we go through. We read "How do Dinosaurs Say Good Night", "Where is the Green Sheep" and then we say prayers. We thank God for everyone he knows and for Jesus being his friend. Every time, no exceptions. (I may have tried to skip one of the books once, wrong move.)
Today he's just napping here. My sister dropped him off and it was straight to bed. Carson's going on the Polar Express tonight, so a good nap is needed. I had just tucked him in and was about to close the door when he pipped up with, "hey, I need my prayers!"He didn't want the dinosaur book, or to hear about the green sheep. he wanted a quick word with God. Two years old and he already knows what's important.
What lessons do you learn from the kids around you?
Posted by
2:10 PM
Thursday, November 22, 2007
What am I thankful for on this day?
-Family that love me for who I am
-A boyfriend who understands me and still wants to hang out
-Friends, new and old who have made this last year so enjoyable
-A job which is better that I could have imagined and more fun than I deserve
-Good health. Something that I take for granted way too often
-A home...not everyone has one and mine is more than sufficient
I know that today isn't a great day for everyone. I was fortunate enough to have two places to go today and right now I'm more than full. There are some folks who had no where to spend the holiday. Or they didn't have the finances to fill a table like the one's I've enjoyed today.
I am blessed.
Posted by
9:57 PM
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Vacation Time
My first full week of vacation in over a year started 5 minutes ago. I have no real plans other than unplugging my email and forwarding my phone calls. I also plan on eating everything not nailed down on Thursday.
Can't wait.
Posted by
1:05 PM
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
A little bit retro
It's beginning to look a lot like least in the stores. Here in Ohio there are still green leaves on the trees. But sooner or later, the calender will actually catch up with the marketing. And then the question becomes what to get folks this year.
Posted by
1:02 PM
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Feathers were flying!
I hope that you were able to make it to this weekend's KidStuf. If you did, you witnessed a real classic. It had everything that you could ever want, silly string, breakdancing, and both a pillow and popcorn fight. It was, to quote my small friend Phoenix, "AMAZING!!!"
Posted by
5:38 PM
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
Snow and Scripts
Two of my favorite things happened today. First it snowed today. Not a lot, and now for a long time. But it snowed...that's good enough for me.
Right now, Kevin and I are working KidStuf...stuff. (With some small interruptions) Writing for KidStuf has been an addition to my job since August and I LOVE IT! It's hard work and makes the week crazier but man the rewards are endless. I've been able to get some to know some amazing people and together we've meet some amazing challenges. Wow.
So all in all, right now, it's been a great day. It's days like today that makes me forget all the frustrating moments.
Can't wait till tomorrow.
Posted by
4:07 PM
Well Done
At NewPointe, we use 252Basics Curriculum to teach our K-4th graders. It's pretty awesome stuff because you can adjust it to fit your area and your church size. Part of the lessons include a take-home devotion for every child, every week. They're called God Times and we've really been working hard at showing the value of completing them every week. It's the perfect tool for parents to start spiritual conversations at home.
Usually we get back about 5-10 each hour. That's not too bad. I know that more kids do them than that. Every Sunday, Vern and I hear the excuses and we get to answer them.
"I left them in my Bible" - why isn't your Bible here at church?
"I did it but I forgot it in the van" - let's talk about the virtue of Discipline...
"I know this God Time is from 6 months ago but..." - nice try buddy.
So we've been really pushing both parents and kids to work on these devotions and then bring them in. And this weekend we had a new-record! 43 God Times rolled in the door. Velocity kids just rocked it! I'm so proud of both the kids and adults that made time with God a huge priority. The kids get to choose a physical reward but the spiritual rewards haven't even begun to be counted. Great job guys!
Posted by
9:22 AM
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
The Definition Please
1. To prevent from accomplishing a purpose or fulfilling a desire; thwart:
2.To cause feelings of discouragement or bafflement in.
3.To make ineffectual or invalid; nullify.
What do you do when you're frustrated? There are times in my day when I wish I was still a kid and could stomp the floor and slam my door. That people or circumstances make me want to pull my hair out.
Then I remember I'm a grown-up. Which looked way cooler and more fun when I was still a kid. I can't throw a fit anymore. But what can I do? Desire what God wants for me. I've been working on my memory verses and this week's hits home.
Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry, for man's anger does not bring about the righteous life that God desires.
James 1:19-20
Posted by
2:33 PM
Monday, October 29, 2007
We celebrated baptisms this weekend at church. I got to hang out backstage and talk with the kids, and man were they excited! First service, Jordan and I walked back to the locker room so she could get changed. Because she's the first kid to be baptised here at the new church, I asked her how she felt, and if she had been nervous. Her response...
"Well, I was at first, but then I remembered that Jesus was with me."
That was all it took for Jordan to feel safe. How cool is that! Once again, a kid reminds me of how I should be trusting God no matter what I'm doing or where I am.
Posted by
2:54 PM
Friday, October 26, 2007
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Baked Potato's and Kidneys

On Nov. 11th (it's a Sunday), there is going to be a Baked Potato Benefit Lunch in Sugarcreek. The proceeds are going to help out a fellow staff member, Vern Yoder. He's having his 2nd kidney transplant this December. Right now, he's on dialysis three times a week, which has literally taken a lot out of him. But even with all he's gone through, there's always a smile on his face and a contagious laugh that is just so great to hear. He is one of the most amazing people I've ever had the privilege to work with, or to even know. And the kids at church think he breaks the "cool meter". (They're right by the way)
Posted by
8:50 PM
Getting it
So I was getting ready to post a blog tonight when I checked Google Reader and saw that one of my volunteer's from Velocity had something new up. Reading it absolutely warmed my heart. Karen's blog is a story that I'd love to show every parent that brings a child to NewPointe. I encourage you to go and read her blog entry but here's an bit of it.
"When you have children, you want to give them everything. You soon find out that’s not possible. Even if you could, if they’re not saved, none of it matters anyway. The best gift you can give them is to expose them to the love of Jesus Christ. Thanks to Kidstuf, our son was saved at an early age. He has returned to Kidstuf as a teenager to volunteer on the tech team."
There's not much else to say. Here is a parent who go involved with what her child was learning and now her son is plugged in. I wish that we could get more small group leaders like Karen and those that are serving right now. If you've ever wanted to be a part of something "bigger", then maybe Velocity or KidStuf is the place for you too.
And thanks Karen...
Posted by
8:25 PM
Monday, October 22, 2007
I got to work in the 1st-2nd grade girls room at the 11:00 hour this week. The girls in there are really sweet. They're not into boys(yet), and they love to dress up. They come into the room toting purses, stuffed toys and even baby dolls. While roaming Velocity on Sunday, I get to overhear funy conversations. They talk about everything from what's on TV, to who did what last week at school. And because we have so many kids, a lot of them know each other outside of church.
I overheard a conversation yesterday that still has me smiling. It might be hard to follow, but I'll do my best. Two little girls, Mikaylee and Hayden were talking and coloring. Mikaylee asked Hayden if she rode the bus. Hayden looked at her surprised and said, "Of course not!"
Mikaylee replied, "But I've seen you get off the bus at school." Hayden, answering with sudden understanding said, "Oh, you mean a bus to school...yeah, I do ride the bus. I thought you meant church. I'm REALLY into church!" Mikaylee nodded in agreement, like this was something that she already knew. Arent' they are so very wise at this age?!?
That just made me smile. Hayden is one of those kids who was SO timid last year. But this year she's grown up and now she's "into" church. Not My Pretty Pony, Hannah Montana, or _______, you fill in the blank. She's loving church. She's loving small group. And she loves talking and learning about Jesus. That is her focus. Hearing kids get excited about church is just another reason why I have the best job in the whole wide world.
And thanks girls, for making the start of my week so enjoyable.
Posted by
11:26 AM
Monday, October 15, 2007
Team players
Okay, so Mike blogged about sports and so will I . I love baseball. Always have, always will. And I love the Indians. Even if they loose tonight, which they won't...I hope.
The reason I love baseball is that every player has a role. Every spot on the field can be a make or break position. It's a HUGE team sport. Yes, the pitchers and guys that can hit home runs are the ones that make it onto Sports Center, but everyone contributes. And I like that.
It's the same way Sunday mornings in Velocity and KidStuf. I know that the actors and storytellers get most the face time and recognition. And they do a great job! But I wish that you could see behind the stage, into the tech booth and peek through the classroom windows. There is SO much that goes on behind the scenes. Actually, I might get some pictures of some of our more "hidden" volunteers in action and post them. Because they all work together to make Sunday morning happen.
Most of all I hope that they (the volunteers) know how much I appreciate them and that I cheer them on every Sunday morning. Thanks for working as a team to get the win!
(And go Tribe!)
Posted by
7:58 PM
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
What's important...
You see, I have a mind that loves to memorize things, crazy facts, funny stories and about a million songs. I can almost quote any Star Wars movie, re-read Lord of the Rings every year and have the entire opening sequence of Toy Story committed to memory. But I struggle to memorize Bible verses. Why is it that fictional movies, songs and books hold a higher place in my mind and heart? That's a question that I've been thinking about for the past few days. And more importantly, now that the question has come up, what am I going to do about it?
Posted by
1:22 PM
Friday, October 5, 2007
10 things that make me smile
Sue tagged me to tell 10 things that make me smile. If you know me, then you know I smile a lot. So it's been "slimmed" down from everything that does make me smile...
1. My nephew, Carson. He never fails to make me smile
2. The smell of a campfire
3. Waking up to snow on the ground4. Finding a new book from a favorite author at the store
5. Watching kids dance and sing in KidStuf
6. A beautiful sunset
7. A quick witted response
8. An elderly couple sitting on a bench, holding hands
9. Being invited on a long walk, or a long drive
10. My family and friends number on my caller i.d.
So there you have it. I could think of about twenty more to choose from. There are days when I smile so much, my cheeks hurt. Those are my favorite days.
Posted by
9:53 AM
Monday, October 1, 2007
Hey God,
Just wanted to say thanks for a whole year of working in your church. It's been way more challenging and rewarding than I could have ever imagined. Everyday I've come to understand more about You and what You want in my life. I can see how much You love me everywhere I go.
When I need encourged-someone is always there to remind me of Your love for me.
When I'm lonely-the phone rings.
When I'm excited-people celebrate with me.
When I'm doubting-I remember that You're in control.
Thanks for allowing me to have a job that I love. Thank you for the people I get to work with everyday. Thanks for every kid that comes to NewPointe. And for the adults and teens that help to make Velocity and KidStuf such an amazing place. Thanks for being there, no matter where I am, or what I'm doing. I can't wait to see what you have in store for me next.
Posted by
8:00 AM
Friday, September 28, 2007
I went to the Swiss Festival tonight. I got to go with two of my favorite people and we ate food that should only EVER be eaten once a year. This was only my second time to go. Last year, I went with my sister and saw only one other person I knew. This year was quite different.
I saw co-workers. I get to work with people that I really enjoy talking to out of the office.
I saw volunteers from Velocity. People that give up their time every week to impact kids lives.
I saw kids from Velocity. Kids so in love with Jesus that they entered the Talent Contest with a song from KidsStuf called "Hey God". (Brought home 2nd place too!)
This time last year, I knew a handful of people in Tuscarawas County. I walked through the crowd feeling a bit overwhelmed. Tonight I felt like a socialite. I knew people's faces and names and they know me. At NewPointe, we want people to be a part of a community. I'm so thankful that I get to be a part of that.
Posted by
11:09 PM
Monday, September 24, 2007
God's Paintings
I was with Kevin West yesterday, getting ready for JumpStart, and we talked about how everything in nature tells of God's love for us. Well, I saw that evidence on Saturday. Walking through the woods and watching a sunset is like being in the middle of a gorgeous painting. I've put up a picture that I took this weekend. I'll have more as the fall rolls on. Where do you see the evidence of God?
Posted by
9:50 AM
Saturday, September 22, 2007
Amazing day
If you live anywhere near Tuscarawas County, Ohio, then you've been able to enjoy some AMAZING weather. Low 80's with great breezes and those huge fluffy clouds. Picture perfect. I usually have Saturdays off and my favorite way to wake up is to the sound of birds chatting it up. The changing of seasons brings out changes in me as well. As much as I love summer and all the flurry of activity, I like that fall brings a slow down. People seem to take more time to "look" at all the trees changing color, stopping at roadside produce sales and cookouts are still happening.
My friend Sue commented on how she loves the colors of fall and that she loves to get out and paint them. I'm a bit envious of her talent. I can't paint more than one color at a time and don't even ask to see something that I've drawn! But...I do have the next best thing, a camera. Every fall I tell myself that I'm going to go out in the fall and capture some of God's beauty with my little digital camera. Every year, I let other things take priority. Not this year! This year I'm slowing down and taking time out to enjoy all that God's created. Spending time outside brings me even closer to Him. It's like enjoying a painting that He created just for me. Can't wait!
Posted by
8:51 AM
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Just wanted to put out a reminder to all Velocity parents about JumpStart on the 23rd. In Family Life, we're all about helping kids grow in their walk with God. And we want the whole family in on the journey. This Sunday, we're offering a class for kids and their parents that will help explain the salvation message and how much God wants to be a part of their lives. It's from 6-7 pm in the KidStuf Theater and any K-4th grade child that has expressed an interest in accepting Christ, or would like to be baptized is encouraged to attend. Hope to see you there!
Posted by
4:14 PM
Monday, September 17, 2007
Getting Ahead
Thursday, Kevin West (my boss) and myself were able to get to a point that we've been working towards for over a month. We got two weeks out on scripts for KidStuf. That's the program we do at 10:10 and 12:10. We use curriculum from 252 Basics out of North Point Community Church in Atlanta.
Since the middle of August, we've been working on getting the scripts done ahead enough that other teams, like the prop and tech teams, can get ahead as well. It's not been easy to get here. And what we want is to not just stay ahead, but get even further out. To get to a point where the pressure is a bit less intense.
To do THAT, we're getting creative and script editing teams together. It's going to be fun. It's going to be an adventure. And I can't wait to be in a room full of people where the question isn't "what is our idea", but "which idea works the best". That's the beauty of doing things in community, and not all by yourself. Thanks in advance to the people who are going to lend their minds to the process. It'll be fun!
Posted by
10:30 AM
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
End of a Perfect Day
Anyway, thought I'd post a picture of my catch of the day. It was thrown back and who knows, we might meet again someday...
Posted by
10:27 PM
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Prayer and Praise
How many times a day do I ask God for something? Couldn't tell you. But I do know that I ask Him for stuff more times than I remeber to thank Him. Seems so unfair that most of the time my response to an answered prayer is a sigh of relief. I'm sure that God knows my meaning, the Bible says that He knows my needs before I even bring them to Him. But it's SO nice when some notices what I've done to help them. Surely God feels the same way. My thoughts today have been about what prayers have been answered lately in my life. What are my top 5 things I'm thankful for everyday?
1. My family: they know the REAL me and STILL love me.
2. My job: it is the job I've always wanted and I love it.
3. Co-Workers that care about me, as much as the job that I do.
5. Having a place to live and food to eat.
The most amazing thing...that the God that created the universe wants to have a relationship with me. He enjoys conversations and time spent together. That amazes me and it's the thing I'm the most thankful for that.
Posted by
10:44 AM
Thursday, September 6, 2007
1st Wednesday
The kids in Velocity had a HUGE time last night. We (mostly Vern) threw a Kid's Carnival night and encouraged kids to invite their friends.
One last thanks to the parents of Velocity kids for bringing not only your own kids but their friends as well.
... and I hope that the sugar high we sent them home with, didn't last too long!
Posted by
9:15 AM
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
Random Thoughts
The whole weekend was beautiful here in Ohio. I had a lot of time to just think and enjoy hanging out with people. Looking back over the weekend, a lot happened and a lot of thoughts rolled around in my head. Here are the highlights.
2. I'd like to shake the hand of the person who invented wrapping a hotdog in bacon, and then cooking it in brown sugar. Pure genius.
3. I 'm addicted to adding logs on campfires. Wonder if there is a 12-step program for that.
5. Waking up to birds singing, rather than an alarm clock, is a WONDERFUL way to start the day. And it starts me off in a better mood.
6. I really like making lists.
7. The music at NewPointe blows me away. Both in "big" church and in KidStuf. Makes me even more excited to get to heaven, where the concert won't ever end.
8. Having my brother visit from Kentucky was fun. We got a great hour of tennis in. I've missed him since moving back home. Hope that he can come up again soon.
9. I LOVE to fish. Especially in a pond with tons of dumb fish. I've learned to take the hook off the fish, but only under these condition. It's not set too far into the fish, it's a bluegill, and the fish stays fairly still. I'm getting better. But there's room for improvement.

Posted by
9:30 AM
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
KidStuf Kickoff
Just wanted to share a few pics from our first KidStuf from the 07-08 season. Kids have been talking about the kick-off weekend for the past month and you could FEEL the excitement. And no, the ghost noises that the kids made during the 10:10 were NOT planned. But they were funny!
There are so many people to thank for getting the job done. The cast, the tech team, KidStuf dancers and coaches, production team, crowd control, host teams, director and Bubba Joe (I think). And I know there are people I've missed, but know that without you, KidStuf couldn't happen. So hats off to you all! You really stepped it up this weekend.
If you haven't come to KidStuf, then you're missing out big time. It's not just for families with kids either! Anyone is welcome to come and watch. The virtues that we talk about are not just for kids. I can't tell you how many times they've hit home for me. Especially this past month's virtue of Trust. The September virtue will be revealed this weekend. If you miss it, you're missing out on a great time of worship, learning, and just plain old fun.
Posted by
10:10 AM
Monday, August 27, 2007
Spinning my wheels
Have you ever had SO much to do, SO much to get your head around, that you don't know where to begin? That's where I am today. After a really long week, my body feels rested but my brain is still a bit on the mushy side. Anybody got a cure for that? I feel like everytime I walk into a room, look at a book, or talk to someone, twelve new tasks pop into my head.
I think I need to attach my "to-do" list straight to my forehead. Problem solved.
Posted by
1:37 PM
Monday, August 20, 2007
Friendly Competition
This summer, it was boys vs girls in Velocity. We presented the kids with a challenge. "Let's see who can bring in the most offering from June to August 19th". The winners get a prize.
At first, the pennies came trickling in. One week in and both groups had WAY under $10 in their containers. But about the beginning of July, it all changed. Kids started asking their parents, grandparents and I'm sure anyone walking down the halls, for offering money. Two weekends ago we hit $110 for both services.
So what was the results? In total, we collected $526 for the summer! Can you believe it? Vern and I were so proud and amazed at the dedication of the kids. And I've heard two stories that stuck with me. One family told me that their kids always puts 10% of their allowance aside for church, 10% for saving and the rest they can use at the store. Well, for a few weeks now, they have been taking some of their store money to church as well! Another little girl was getting ready to enter the Theater on Sunday, when she turned and ran back to her Mom. But it wasn't because she was upset, she had forgotten to get her offering money! What an example.
We're continuing the competition into the fall and it'll be room vs room. Winning room for each month will get donuts and juice the following Sunday. And for the record, the boys won the summer competition by $4.00. So close girls! (BUT everyone got a prize.) The real winners? The three kids that Velocity sponsors. There are two boys from Haiti, and a girl in India. I've posted their pictures on the side of the blog so that kids can be reminded of who they are helping. Because of the kids efforts in Velocity, these three kids are able to go to school and get an education. How cool is that!
Posted by
11:28 AM
Friday, August 17, 2007
My Friday Night Date
Right now, I'm sitting in my living room with some girls from my 3rd grade small group. We are having a slumber party to watch the premire of High School Musical 2. It's been wild, it's been loud, and I'm sure my neighbors were wondering why we were counting down to 8:00pm. But it's here and the girls are in total silence. I can even hear the locusts.
If you haven't seen it, wait until you're around a bunch of grade level girls. The response is the same, AUGGGGHHHHH! ZAC IS SO CUTE! But really as movies go, it has a nice story and pretty good music. We've got pizza, chips, cookies and soda. And the girls are feeling they can stay up all night. We'll see. I'm pretty sure I won't make it much past 12. That's about the time my carriage turns back into a pumpkin.
Who are the kids in your life? Are they your own kids, nieces, nephews, or some kids down the street? Whoever they are, getting involved in their life can make a huge impact. Know what they are into, who they admire and what they are watching. Just being able to talk to them about things that they care about can be a start. You never know, YOU might be the one to have a houseful of kids for High School Musical 3...(you know they'll make another one.)
Posted by
8:00 PM
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Backyard Vacation
Took a vacation day yesterday and it couldn't have been nicer. I got to enjoy doing things I usually put off, and didn't have to go far to do them. Here's a short list.
1. Didn't get out of my PJ's until 11:00 (and got up at 8:30)
2. Watched "Cash in the Attic" on BBC America. One of my favorite shows.
3. Didn't touch a hairdryer, let the sun dry my hair for me.
4. Started and finished 3 new books. All fiction and pretty good.
5. Went to the library and picked up books on hold and reserved more!
6. Got a milkshake at DQ. Cherry is the best.
7. Spent most of the day soaking up the sun.
If you had a day, all to yourself at home, what would you do?
Posted by
9:27 AM
Saturday, August 11, 2007
Sticking with God
I celebrated an anniversary on Aug. 3rd. One year ago, I left Kentucky to move back to Ohio. At the time, it was HUGE step of faith. Sure, I was moving back to an area that I grew up in, and back near most of my family. On the other hand, I was leaving the place I'd spent my entire adult life. A place that I had grown to love and a job that was secure and way too much fun. My last day at pre-school was the first (and I hope only) time I have cried the ENTIRE day. There was so much change going on at the time, it was a bit much to take in. Here are just some of the challenges and changes that came during the next two months.
1. Drove to and from Rhode Island to bury my grandparents, who passed away within 5 months of each other
2. Went back to Lexington with my parents to load up my townhome
3. On the way down, found out that the sale of the townhome fell through
4. Worked on getting the purchase of my house here finalized
5. Still didn't know about my job status at NewPointe
6. Left behind three friends that I could talk to open and honestly
Now this wasn't a "whoa is me" time. But it was a time where I had to trust God for more than just green lights on the way to Target. I had to trust with big stuff. This blog is a bit selfish. I wanted to make sure I didn't forget God's faithfulness in every detail of my life. For those two months, I spent a lot of time with just Him, because He was, and is, the only thing that never changed. I have a verse, Lamentations 3:24, hanging in my office, and it's one of my favorite. It says "The Lord is my portion, therefore I will wait on Him". It's even better in the Message translation. It simply says, "I'm sticking with God". No exceptions or excuses. I hope that I've done that this past year, but most of all, I'm thankful that God was sticking with me.
Posted by
9:53 AM
Thursday, August 9, 2007
New Take on an Old Silo

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10:45 AM
Monday, August 6, 2007
Making a Difference
I love to read, as I mentioned in my 8 random things post. But until I came on staff here, I hadn't read a lot of non-fiction. Some Max Lucado, Purpose Driven Life, stuff like that. But not much. I'm much more a fiction reader. And don't ask me to narrow down a certain type of fiction. I enjoy almost everything out there.
One non-fiction book that I have been re-reading is a really short, really great book by Mike Breaux. I got this book last fall, when a friend of mine sent it up from Kentucky. My old church had got a jump start on the release date because Breaux is the former senior pastor there. He's now a teaching pastor up at Willow but I got to know him during the time he was in Lexington. Let me just say, if you ever get a chance to hear him speak, take it! He is a great speaker, very relevant! Anyway the book...
It's called Making Ripples, and it's all about how everything we do, can and does affect someone else. It's a little book that has a BIG message. The second time around a section jumped out at me. Breaux talks about a researcher who asked a group of 95 year old men and women to look back and reflect on their lives. They were asked, "If you had it to do all over again, what would you do differently?" In short, here were their answers.
1. We would reflect more-slow down and savor the moments
2. We'd risk more- go out on a limb
3. We'd do something with our lives that would live on long after we're dead and gone
I want to make sure that I don't come to the end of my journey without making some ripples and making a difference. There's more good stuff in the book, (including an amazing ripple in Breaux's life) but you'll have to read that yourself. If you've got an hour, grab this book off a shelf and dive in. Start making some ripples!
Posted by
1:50 PM
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Mission Accomplished
Our food drive is wrapped up and it looks like 1300 boxes of food were donated! That is an amazing number! A huge thanks to all the kids (and their parents) that helped out with "Go '07". You guys helped out by going around the neighborhoods, giving out flyer's and collecting food. Special thanks to the kids that helped out the past two Sundays by driving the wagons. You all were amazing and better still, no injuries. We talk in Velocity about how kids can make a difference in their community and you all were a great example of that. I can't wait to see what God has for us to do next!
Posted by
9:19 AM
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Velocity Challenge
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4:30 PM
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
8 random things
The Rules:Players start with 8 random facts about themselves.
Those who are tagged should post these rules and their 8 random facts.
Players should tag 2-8 other people and notify them they have been tagged.
Eight random facts about Well, here they are!
1. I'm very afraid of heights, which some people find ironic because I'm tall.
2. To go along with that fear of heights, I get motion sickness. Elevators, airplanes and backseats of cars are not my favorite places to be. And for a good story about a boat ride, ask my sister about out trip to Nova wasn't pretty.
3. I love to work puzzles! I inherited this gift from my Mom who loves them just as much. For me, there is nothing more enjoyable than working a 1,000 piece puzzle on a cold snowy day...
4. ...unless it's the cold, snowy day itself! Winter is my favorite time of the year. Again, I love sled riding, snow shoveling and the quiet in the early morning after a snowfall. I'm a homebody and a foot of snow gives me a reason to stay inside (and work puzzles)!
5. I am scared of the Loch Ness Monster...I can't even justify OR explain that one. It still scares me even today if I think about it while I'm on a boat or in deep water. Though at least I never had to be scared of him coming out from under my bed. (No laughing please)
6. I'd take a piece of pie over a piece of cake any day of the week. Though if cake was all that was offered... I especially love pie that either my Mom or Jean Vacha made.
7. I love Star Wars and have about 150 action figures that are just waiting for my nephew to grow up and enjoy them. I got into collecting them after college and I regretted selling my small collection from when I was a kid. No, I don't have them decorating my home, or have them out on display! They're stored in the attic, waiting for Carson, or Andrew West to come over.
8. For the last random thing, I LOVE to read. I read all the time. I'd buy a new book over buying food any day of the week. I used to read while delivering newspapers. I read at red lights, while drying my hair, and during TV commercials. I love recorded books too! In fact, that's why I bought a MP3 player last download books from the Internet. And I read fast! I made it though the last Harry Potter book in just under 9.5 hours.
I'm tagging Gordo, Sue Kauffman and Tina Lawver. Let's see your answers guys!
Posted by
9:33 AM
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
"Cat"astrophes and Contentment
Posted by
9:35 AM
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Every morning at KidsCamp, the adult counselors took their breakfast and went off to another room to eat. It served two purposes. First, a moment away from the kids, reason enough. The kids there were great, but it was nice to have a quiet meal everyday. The second reason, was to have devotions. Every morning someone shared what God was doing in their life. It was nice for me because I didn't know any of the adults there and it was a chance to get to know them better.
The one devotion that stood out to me the most was the last. A really great guy named Wayne Smith (and no, not the pastor from SCC for any readers in KY) shared about how he had gotten back in touch with a boy that had been a camper. The first question he asked Wayne, after all that time, was did he "remember" him? Wayne said what struck him was the kid just wanted someone to care about him and remember him. It was a reminder about how important each moment we spend with kids at church can be. That time listening and encouraging them could be the only time a grown-up ever tells them how much Jesus loves them and how special they are.
We're getting ready to gear up for the fall and I'm praying that we have a ton of moments like that. Moments where kids feel loved and wanted and remembered, even if it's the only time that week. ESPECIALLY if it's the only time that week. Can't wait for the fall!
Posted by
11:12 AM
Saturday, July 14, 2007
Back from KidsCamp
Well, I survived my first time as camp counselor, and it was a blast! We took 10 kids from NewPointe and if I have my way, we'll take even more next year. What was the best part about camp? Spending unlimited time with the kids. Sunday mornings go WAY too fast to spent time with every kid, hear every story and answer every question. But five days with them was just about right. I had girls from church in my dorm and I think I can safely say we had a blast hanging out together.
The weather was nice, the speaker was good, and the food tasty. And thanks to Dawn (the other counselor in my room) I only got pranked once!!! Not bad from what I've heard. The only close call occurred right before we left. The picture posted was taken as we were ready to leave. Problem is there is someone missing...Madison! Don't worry, we didn't leave her behind, just left out of the picture.
Before I left, I just didn't know what to expect or how things would go. But now I find myself excited that in LESS than 12 months, I'll get to go back. Big thanks to Cassidy, Mackenzie, Madison, Roxanne, Katie, Sarah, Nicholas, Brandon, Noah and Christian. You guys were great examples of the virtues that we teach in Velocity. You showed friendship, courage and cooperation every day and it was noticed. Let's do it again next year!
Posted by
4:46 PM
Monday, July 9, 2007
In about 35 minutes, a group of kids from Velocity will be heading for camp for 5 whole days! So this isn't so much a post but a request for prayer. It's going to be a great week, and everyone's excited!!! See everyone next Sunday!
Posted by
8:20 AM
Thursday, July 5, 2007
Last Names
I'm sure that there aren't many new Adam and Eve jokes out there. But we had one created in Velocity last Sunday. Vern (the greatest storyteller ever!) was telling the story of the Garden of Eden, and using questions to help the kids stay connected. You know, "who tempted Eve?", the snake. "What did God ask them NOT to do?", eat the fruit. Well, to keep them on their toes, he threw out this one. "What was Adam's last name?" Without missing a beat, some little boy yelled out, "Eve". Maybe you had to be there, but that one is still making me laugh. I love how kids don't filter what they are thinking, and they don't say "I'm sorry" everytime they're wrong. They know it's okay to make mistakes and it's part of learning. And in Velocity, we learn a lot from the kids.
Posted by
2:29 PM
Thursday, June 28, 2007
Tonight I'm hanging out at church waiting for my Starting Pointe class. I've been debating on going home and coming back on Thursdays, but seems like the drive is just not worth it. Well, tonight I met up with someone who has been having a debate of her own. Whether to serve in Velocity or not. She asked me if we needed anyone as small group leaders in the fall because she wanted to be involved with the kids and make a difference. The answer was "yes"! Since the move to the new building, Velocity's attendance has more than doubled. It's so exciting to see so many kids eager to learn and hear about Jesus every Sunday morning. But the one thing we always need is adults to help lead them to that relationship. So if you're looking for a place to serve, we'll find a place for you!
Posted by
6:09 PM
Monday, June 25, 2007
Reminders and Reunions
My trip was a great sucess. Aside from the great weather and perfect drive down and back, I got to see almost everyone that was on my list. Although by Sunday, I was a bit tired of having "plans". Seriously, who uses their Daytimer on vacation? My visit to Trinity went great. The kids loved posing for pictures and telling me about what they had been doing since I last saw them. Noah kept screaming "it was just a dream that Ms. Jessica left, it was a dream"! And I did have one offer from a parent to take their kid with me. I was very close to accepting!
Lauren and Shelby on the playground. Two redheaded divas that are best friends. I promised to post this on my blog.
The rest of the time seemed to fly by. I helped Julie decorate her son's birthday cake and get ready for the party. I ate lunch with the Greene's at Ramsey's, one of my favorite places to eat, and then we hung out at the pool. I made it to my Asbury College reunion picnic and I went to church at Southland and observed their kids program. Thanks to Derrick for being taking the time to answer all my questions. I ended the trip eating lunch with my friend Jamie. It really couldn't have been a better trip.
My biggest fear on this trip? That leaving the second time would be as hard as the first. When I left KY last August, I really felt like I left a part of my heart. I knew it was the right choice to move, but every kid I'd see reminded me of someone in Lexington. It took a while before I could even look at a picture of my old students and not cry. But, this trip reminded me that God cares about what I care about. He knows how much I love working with kids and now He's given me a whole new group to care about. And along with it some amazing staff and volunteers! So even though I've been posting that "I" did a million things this past weekend, it was really me and God. He prepared everything so that the trip was a reminder of how much I've been given, not how much I'd left behind.
Posted by
11:06 AM
Friday, June 22, 2007
Making the rounds
Well, the trip down was uneventful, though there was a lot of construction. I can't say whether or not it was new because the stretch between Cin. and Lex. seems to be in a constant state of repair. But it was a great time to get out and have time by myself, with no stress.
My first stop was my old workplace, Trinity Hill Child Care Center. It's been almost 10 months since I've seen the kids and I wondered if they would remember me...well, no worries about that. I have received enough hugs to last me at least a month. The kids are all taller and smarter than last I saw them, but they're still as amazing and adorable. I have to say, if the kids were the only thing I saw when coming down here, it would have been worthwhile. I might put a couple in my car and bring them back with me. You never know.
I'm also staying with Julie and Joe Stone from college. They have two wonderful kids as well. When I get back I'll post some pictures of them, right now my camera is having a meltdown. But Will and Lauren are so much fun. It's Will's third birthday tomorrow and he's totally into Bob the Builder. The party should be so much fun.
I'm blogging on Cady's computer right now. (Thanks!) She works at my old school and is leaving to teach in Haiti in August. Talk about a life change. But she is SO wonderful with kids and Haiti will be a much better place once she gets there. Hopefully I'll get some pictures posted when I get back. I still have a full weekend ahead of me and it's already going way too fast.
Posted by
1:12 PM
Monday, June 18, 2007
My Old Kentucky Home
On Thursday, I'll be traveling to Kentucky. I'm going down for my college reunion and to see some old friends. I haven't been back to Lexington since early last August! I can't believe it's been that long. At first I just missed everything too much to visit and then bad weather and commitments here took priority. But now the date has been set and the bags are almost packed. I almost can't stand the wait!
I loved living in Kentucky and I got to know some amazing people while living there, from both work and my church. But in the last year, there were small hints and nudges from God that He wanted to do even more with my life than I was allowing. I'm so thankful that I listened, even though it was one of the hardest decisions I've ever had to make. I'm not big on change, or new experiences.
Today it feels like I'm just spinning my wheels waiting to go. I know that things won't be exactly like I remember them. People will have changed, I've changed and the kids will all be about 6 inches taller. But I'm still ready to hit the road and go back down south to the heart of Bluegrass country. In the four short days I'll be there I've already got a full schedule. I'm visiting my old church, attending my college picnic, eating with my old preschool class, helping out with a birthday party, watching a little league baseball game and just catching up with everyone. So although I doubt I'll come back physically rested, I'm sure to come back with some great new memories and a bit of my old southern accent.
Posted by
1:06 PM
Thursday, June 14, 2007
I spent most of today up at Cleveland Clinic and I was reminded of one huge thing. I am so blessed! I saw over a dozen folks today missing a limb or needing a wheelchair to get around. It was a good reality check to see people having to get on with life regardless of what has happened to them. The next time I complain that life's not fair or that some thing's too hard, I hope that I remember back to today. God has blessed me more than I deserve.
Posted by
6:47 PM
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Aqua Night!
Okay, I'm going to try and blog while feeling the effects of Benadryl, so be wary. My allergies are in high gear today, and it was time for some serious battle. Why take them when I'm still at work and they seem to put me in a semi-coma state? Glad you asked. You see tonight is Aqua night at church and it's one of my favorite things to attend. Why you ask? Another great question! It combines two things I enjoy doing. Building my relationship with God and serving. I run the PowerPoint slides for the worship and message and because of that fact, the meds must wear off before it starts or it won't be pretty. So if you're 20-30 something, (I'm part of the latter group) and you're looking for a great time with awesome music and relevant teaching, stop by the Warehouse. But leave the Benadry home!
Posted by
12:34 PM
Monday, June 11, 2007
Demo Update
Well, I thought I'd post some before and after pictures of my kitchen. This is as I was tearing out the old carpet and discovered 50 year old tiles waiting to be removed. Some were a bright red color, which inspired me in my final paint choice.
Meanwhile, my dining room was being used as cat look-out post, rather than a room for eating!The finished's still lacking some rugs but that's another day. The funny thing is I was able to get a ton of things accomplished, just by working on and finishing this task. I got caught up on some Andy Stanley Cd's, had some great talks with my sister, and just spent time with God. For me, the hustle and bustle of the day came to a complete halt while I worked and sitting on a floor is about as slow as I can go. I love to be involved in anything I can. But it was a chance to really thinki without a lot of distractions around me and I enjoyed it. So if anyone needs their floors painted...just kidding!
Posted by
11:37 AM
Tuesday, June 5, 2007
I love to be organized. I love to walk into a dark room and find something without even turning on a light. To open a cupboard door and know exactly where everything will be. You get the picture. So imagine what tearing up my kitchen floor has done for my tidy little life. Yep, totally made it chaotic. Nothing is where it should be, from the dishes on the dining room floor, to the stove in the living room doorway. Only because I know the end result, a new and better kitchen floor do I let my house become a mess.
Where is this going? ( and Jim, you'll love this) Well, in the midst of stripping all the glue off the floor, a 20 hour endeavor, I started thinking about how this applies to God. If we had a choice, our lives would be neat and tidy, everything would fall neatly into place. But often times, God has other plans. He strips us down and reorganizes our lives so that we can be better than we were. He SEE'S the end result, even when we don't. So next time my spiritual life "seems" a mess, I'll just remember that God knows best.
Posted by
10:00 AM
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Rain Delay = FUN
The best thing for me about Memorial Day is the party at Chuck and Bobbie Haupert's house. Every year they open up their home to friends from the church and since I've know them forever, I've enjoyed many, many parties. But this year they REALLY opened their home. The party began at 6:00, but about 15 minutes later, the clouds rolled in and the rain came pouring down!
Now some hosts might have been tempted to call the whole thing off and reschedule for another, nicer day. Not the Hauperts! In no time at all the party moved into their house, and although I don't know the exact count of people, it had to be around fifty. Not everyone has a house that could accommodate a gathering that big, but their house is just the right size. (We did get outside for a while to play whiffle ball!)
What could have been soggy mess turned out to be one of the best Memorial Day parties ever. And for me the most exciting part was knowing most of the people that were there. In years past, there were some that I knew, but for the most part, most were strangers. It was great to know faces and the names that went with them. So a huge THANKS to Chuck and Bobbie for opening their yard, and their home to everyone. It was fun!
Posted by
9:46 AM
Monday, May 21, 2007
Getting out of Dodge...
Another great Sunday has come and gone. The last KidStuf of the season was amazing. I'm feeling much more comfortable up on stage. For those of you who don't know, that's NOT my favorite place to be. But the more I get up there, the less I feel like I'm going to be sick. Getting out that "hula hoop" of comfort is becoming a daily thing, with fairly good results.
I'm getting ready to go on a Family Life retreat and I'm pretty excited. I'm hoping that this is going to be a huge learning time. Everyday I'm faced with the reality that I don't know everything. And although I'm totally okay with this fact, I'd like to learn all that I can. So that's my prayer for the next 27 hours. I'll be back on Wednesday, hopefully in time for Aqua.
Oh, and check out Gordo's blog if you get the chance. It's very, very, very funny!
Posted by
1:21 PM
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
No Worries...
It's been 7 months since I started working here and 9 months since I moved back from Kentucky. In some ways I can't believe how fast time has gone, and in other ways, I feel like I've been here forever. I left behind some amazing friends at my old job. Friends that knew me really well and loved me anyway. Now I know that God doesn't want me to worry, that He is in control. But I did feel a bit nervous about getting to know my new co-workers. I'm not the best at meeting new people. I wondered if I could find folks here that could fill in the gap that my bluegrass friends left?
The answer was "YES"! God has put me in a place where I love coming to work and I love the people I work with. Some of us went out to Cici's Pizza for lunch today and I was reminded again about how much fun they all are. I have been blessed more that I could imagine and that's something I need to remember next time I start to worry. God cares about me and wants me to have close relationships with people, just like He wants to have a close relationship with me. That's amazing and wonderful to have God love me like that!
Posted by
2:40 PM
Monday, May 14, 2007
Another Sunday has come and gone here in Velocity, and I got to spend time with some of the most dedicated folks at NewPointe. The small group leaders who work with grade level kids are on every Sunday morning. Our goal is to provide someone, outside their family, who is going to build into a child's life. To do that, it requires a lot of time and a lot of energy, and we have a lot of kids! At the old building, it was about 90 kids a morning spread over two hours. Here at NewPointe, we have around 250! It's an incredible blessing and an incredible challenge. I'm so thankful that my volunteers have hit the hill running. Kids are excited to come through the doors every Sunday and one of the reasons is the small group leaders make it fun to get to know God! So a HUGE thanks to everyone who serves in Velocity. Both the kids and I know how much work you're doing and it's appreciated. THANKS!
Posted by
10:25 AM
Tuesday, May 8, 2007
Here I am...
Okay, so I'm entering the blogging world. To be honest, I'm a bit unsure about it. Although I do love to chat and am VERY energetic, sharing with people that I don't know is a bit daunting. I'm hoping that by starting this, people can get to know me and my passion better. What's my passion? Hanging out with kids and helping them come to understand that God wants to be their friend... forever. This is something that I was able to learn at a young age and it totally, without a doubt changed my life. That's what I want for every kid that I see on Sunday. That's my heart and my prayer every day. I want to bring kids closer to Christ.
Maybe this blog thing is going to be kinda fun.
Posted by
1:50 PM